Budding Chefs inspires children by providing fun, interactive, hands-on cooking experiences

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Growing Gourmets 3/31/11 "Just Desserts" class: Chocolate Souffles with Vanilla "Sauce"

We learned a lot of new things tonight.  That's what happens when you make souffles.  New words:  souffle, ramekin, meringue.  Even though we weren't making meringue, we did have to beat the egg whites "until soft peaks formed".  So we talked about what peaks are.  Everyone thought the eggs looked like soap.

Blake told me his is always checking out books at the library that have recipes in them, because when he grows up, he's going to be a ......
ok, what would your guess be?  A chef?  Cook?  Baker?  NO!  He is going to be a FIREMAN!  I was so thrown off by that, I laughed and laughed.  Of course you need to know how to cook if you're going to be a fireman!

Welcome to our class, Dalaney! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Growing Gourmets 3/17/11 "Just Desserts" class: Mint Swirl Bars

Had to make something green for St. Patrick's Day, but still stick with our Just Desserts theme.  I found a lot of recipes, but they all took way too long to cool or chill.  These were perfect, and delicious.  

3-16-11 Hemlock Creek Girl Scouts

 We had a great time making Pizza Dip and Shamrock Punch.  Next time I need to use a bigger punch bowl--or halve the recipe! 

Chef Sprouts 3/15/11 Shamrock Toasties

I was VERY impressed with Connor....he kept trying bites when everyone else took their pepper off right away

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3-12-11 Microwave Muffin Scramble

Since it's almost St. Patrick's Day, we colored our eggs green and read Green Eggs and Ham.  The girls were very good about eating this, (one did not care for it). Next time I might try putting some pesto in for a little extra flavor. What a great way to get some veggies early in the day.